🎄Christmas delivery cut-off:🎄
November 21st for economy shipping and November 28th for express shipping! Plan ahead and enjoy the holidays!
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What makes us different

A fully knitted premium sweater you’ll love to wear.

Designing is easier than ever.

Fast and efficient worldwide fulfillment
How to design and order your fully-knitted sweater
Timeless sweater styles for any occations
Best for branded apparel, corporate gifts & uniforms, promo gifts, campaign items, and family and friends gift!
Design with ease using our curated templates
Create stunning designs effortlessly with our ready-to-use templates.
Sustainable Knit Sweater Manufacturer
- At Knitwise, we’re proud of our sustainability efforts and always strive to do more.
- Every knit product is made to order, which means there is no unsold inventory.
- Each piece is perfectly knit to match its ideal shape, so there is minimum fabric waste compared to cut and sew.
- We work with factories certified by WRAP and Elevate, ensuring ethical treatment of workers.
Loved by 10k customers
Ready to start your journey?
Sign Up - It’s FREEFrequently Asked Questions
How much does it cost to make custom knit sweaters?
Our knitwear prices range from $34 to $42. You can choose from several custom knit options below. For larger orders, we offer bulk discounts with the best price guaranteed. Reach out to business@knitwise.com for a free quote!
How do I design custom knit sweaters?
Creating a custom knit sweater at Knitwise is super easy! Use our Design Maker to turn your image into a knitting design with just a few clicks and you can review 3D mockups to verify details. We also offer curated design templates with different themes to help you create even more designs. Click our design guide to learn more.
Can I order just one custom knit sweater?
Absolutely! You can order a single knit sweater. We have no minimum order quantity.
Can you ship one order to multiple locations?
Yes, we can! We can ship your order to multiple locations based on your needs, so you can stay connected with your remote teammates.
Where do you ship to?
We currently ship to the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, the UK, Japan, Singapore, and the EU. Please click here to learn more about our shipping policy.
Where is the knitwear made?
Our knitwear is currently produced in China, where we work with factories certified by WRAP and Elevate to ensure fair labor practices and ethical treatment of workers. We’re also actively expanding our global supply chain by developing new knitting suppliers.